English language editing
Correction of grammar, spelling, punctuation and unclear phrasing. Differing levels of editing may include changes to syntax and sentence flow, such as improvements in word choice and introduction of more concise language (editing does not include writing new content)
Language translation
Translation of academic (or other) text to or from English
Manuscript formatting
Modifications to the original document such as page layout, text formatting, headings, title page, image placement and citations/references to conform with journal formatting guidelines
Artwork services and custom illustration
Adjustment of figures and tables to conform to journal guidelines and improve visual appeal and/or the generation of figures from original data or sketches (e.g. creation of a Table of Contents/graphical abstract)
Light-touch, rapid editing to correct minor errors
Scientific editing
Heavier developmental editing with comments on manuscript argument flow, organization and content
Plagiarism screening
Use of a tool such as iThenticate to identify sections of overlap with published or publicly available material
Image manipulation screening
Examination of artwork (e.g. micrographs, blots, gels) for evidence of inappropriate alterations such as splicing or clone stamping