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Video abstracts and Video bytes
Our team of scientists, animators, illustrators, and voice-over actors will work closely with you to create your video abstract or video byte. Video abstracts are the newest means to extend the reach and visibility of your research, and typically consist of a 2–3-minute animation summarizing the key findings of a published article, aimed at a broad audience. Video bytes are shorter 1-minute videos, typically overlaid with music. However, we can customize a video according to your specific requirements.
Infographic creation
Development of a static image that defines the key results of a research article clearly and aesthetically.
Graphical abstracts
Our team of illustrators and scientists will work closely with you to create your graphical abstract. A graphical abstract is a concise pictorial summary of a research paper, and is required as part of the submission process for many journals, as they are an effective means to present data in a novel and accessible way, driving readers to an article. We will custom-make your graphical abstract according to your specific requirements.

Written summary for lay audiences
Generation of a brief (abstract-sized) summary of a research article’s key findings suitable for a public audience.
Designing and producing posters
Layout of a research poster suitable for an academic conference based on a scientific paper or other text and figures provided by authors. Printing/shipping of the poster is also offered. For more information, please click here